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I like to write, and in 2023, I wrote a book on applying product management to life.
I also freelanced as an innovation and tech journalist and wrote 20+ interviews and features;
translated 6 books from Norwegian and English;
and gained recognition on leading expert websites such as Scrum Alliance, Toptal blog and Product School.
Spoke at 15+ product and agile conferences (e.g. BA-Istanbul, Product-Led Summit Amsterdam, TEDx Vrsac and ACE!)
I'm a public speaker, I have a digital garden, and I record short clips on applying product management to life.
Also experimenting with a book of poems written as pseudocode.
AI-powered app to help create, validate and execute ideas. For startups, product management, or just fun. Visit MVP Hero.ai website.
Spoke at 15+ product and agile conferences (e.g. BA-Istanbul, Product-Led Summit Amsterdam, TEDx Vrsac and ACE!)
Pseudocode and other poetry is a project where I write poems
inspired by coding and technology, and that sometimes look like (pseudo)code.
All illustrations in the book are AI-generated..
Link: Pseudocode and Other Poetry
A book on applying product management to personal life.
200+ pages with practices, tips, frameworks and personal experiences.
Link: buildyourway.me
Freelanced as an innovation and tech journalist and wrote 20+ interviews and features
for the most significant business, leadership and diplomacy magazine in Serbia and the region in English, CorD Magazine.
Interviewed leaders from companies including Google, IBM, Alibaba Group, City AI, and Viber.
Published over 15 books in Serbian and translation from Norwegian, Finnish, English and Danish.
Collaborated with embassies, and universities, and organized over 30 events such as book promotions.
Short videos explaining principles, frameworks, tips and tricks
from product management applied to personal life. All in under 2 minutes.
The project started in October 2023, with the goal of creating 50 "bites" within a year.
Link: productbites.me
Made with love by Milos Belcevic
free to share with attribution